

Tekhnologi This would be a description of the content your users are sharing

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hape sebagai modem untuk melakukan koneksi internet merupakan cara paling sederhana yang layak dilakukan bagi generasi yang serba kebelet, misalnya sekedar untuk ber YM ria lewat pc, atau membuka email dari rekan bukan kebelet merayu cewek lho?. Tapi bagi professional surfer saya kira kurang puas, kecuali bisa melakukan tweak juga pendongrak koneksi internet.
Berikut settingan beberapa profider mulai gsm dan cdma, kalo ada yang kurang silahkan di tambahi.

A.Peralatan yang di perlukan: 

1. Sebuah HP yang support GPRS, dan sudah bisa koneksi dengan GPRS.
2. Kartu telepon / sim card.
3. Personal computer boleh juga laptop.
4. Perangkat koneksi, dari HP ke PC. Boleh pakai kabel data, Bluetooth, atau IrDA (Infrared
Data Adapter). Berikut dengan drivernya yang sudah diinstall. Pokoknya sudah bisa kirim-
kiriman antara PC dan HP.
5. Tancapkan hanphone yang sudah aktif gprsnya (pastikan kondisi on) dengan kabel data ke
usb komputer anda. Bila file driver telah ada di komputer maka secara otomatis akan
mendeteksi dengan sendiri. bila tidak lakukan penginstalan driver secara manual.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Repair your network connection

Microsoft Windows XP has a networking repair tool that can fix many common problems.
If the Network Connections icon appears in the notification area in the lower-right corner of your screen, you can right-click it, and then clickRepair instead of following the steps below.
To attempt to automatically repair your network connection
1.       Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Is my PC running the 32-bit or 64-bit version ofWindows?

The terms 32-bit and 64-bit refer to the way a computer's processor (also called a CPU), handles information. The 64-bit version of Windows handles large amounts of random access memory (RAM) more effectively than the 32-bit version. Follow the steps in the sections below to find out if your PC is running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windowsand what edition of Windows is on your PC.
Computers running Windows XP

Install Win. XP

Many people have computers that come with Windows XP so they may never have to install it. However, you may need to install Windows XP if:
·         You replaced your hard disk drive with a new hard disk drive that does not haveWindows XP installed.
·         You are reinstalling Windows XP on a computer because you want to clean off your hard drive and remove any unwanted programs, such as spyware.
·         You purchased a computer without an operating system.

Hotmail: Three new security improvements

The Hotmail team has been busy. Three of our favorite new security improvements are:
No more easy passwords. You might know that millions of people use the word “password” as their password. But did you know that millions of people also use “ilovecats” and “gogiants”? Hackers know this. And so do engineers at Hotmail. That’s why, very soon, you will no longer be able to use these weak passwords and others like it. If you already have a weak password, Hotmail might ask you to change it in the future. Find out how to create a strong password.
Help your hacked friends. The first people to know that your Hotmail account has been compromised are often the people in your contact list who get spam from you. Hotmail has a new feature that lets you report someone else’s account has been hacked. You can even report people who use other email providers and Hotmail will send that information to the appropriate people.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Trick YouTube

hasil copas nih…
ini trik sudah lama.siapa tau masih berguna dan bermanfaat

1. High Quality Videos
tambahin aja dibelakang URL&fmt=18 atau &fmt=22
jika ada &feature= seperti ini
hapus dulu aja menjadihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfLwdq36JE8 sekarang tgl tambahin
jadi :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfLwdq36JE8&fmt=18

2. Nampilin HQ di menu youtube
tambahin aja dibelakang URL&ap=%2526fmt%3D18 atau &ap=%2526fmt%3D22
jika ada &feature= seperti ini
hapus dulu aja menjadihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfLwdq36JE8 sekarang tgl tambahin
misal :
jadi :

3. Bypass youtube regional filter[Fullscreen Browser]
Klo ada beberapa video youtube yg gabisa kita access maka ganti http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= denganhttp://www.youtube.com/v/

4. Download Video tanpa Software
nanti di situ ada pilihan format
# MP4
# HD
# 3GP
# MP3
pilih terus GO, ntar muncul tulisanDown klik kanan save link as

Location of passwd.txt and Associated Malware

Check whether passwd.txt is presentin the following locations:
  • C:\WINDOWS\passwd.txt
If you find passwd.txt in any ofthese locations, your computer is very likely to be infected with the followingmalware:


inurl:admin inurl: |userlist Generic userlist files
inurl:admin filetype: |asp Generic userlist files
inurl:userlist |
inurl:php inurl: |Half-life statistics file, lists username and
hlstats intext: |other information
Server Username |
filetype:ctl |
inurl:haccess. |Microsoft FrontPage equivalent of htaccess
ctl Basic |shows Web user credentials

filetype:reg |
reg intext: |Microsoft Internet Account Manager can

Password in GOOGLE

1. "Login: *" "password =*" filetype:xls (searching data command to the system files that are stored inMicrosoft Excel)

2. allinurl: auth_user_file.txt (to find files auth_user_file.txtcontaining password on server).

3. filetype: xls inurl: "password.xls" (looking for usernameand password in ms excel format). This command can change with admin.xls)

4. intitle: login password (get link to the login page with the loginwords on the title and password words anywhere. If you want to the query indexmore pages, type allintitle)

5. intitle: "Index of" master.passwd (index the masterpassword page)

6. index of / backup (will search the index backup file on server)

7. intitle: index.of people.lst (will find web pages that contain userlist).

8. intitle: index.of passwd.bak ( will search the index backup passwordfiles)

9. intitle: "Index of" pwd.db (searching database passwordfiles).

10. intitle: "Index of .. etc" passwd (this command will indexthe password sequence page).

11. index.of passlist.txt (will load the page containing password listin the clear text format).

12. index.of.secret (google will bring on the page contains confidentialdocument). This syntax also changed with government query site: gov to searchfor government secret files, including password data) or use syntax:index.of.private

13. filetype: xls username password email (will find spreadsheets filesecontaining a list of username and password).

14. "# PhpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump" filetype: txt (will index thepage containing sensitive data administration that build with php)

15. inurl: ipsec.secrets-history-bugs (contains confidential data thathave only by the super user). or order with inurl: ipsec.secrets "holdsshared secrets"

16. inurl: ipsec.conf-intitle: manpage (useful to find files containingimportant data for hacking)

17. inurl: "wvdial.conf" intext: "password" (displaythe dialup connection that contain phone number, username and password)

18. inurl: "user.xls" intext: "password" (showingurl that save username and passwords in spread sheet files)

19. filetype: ldb admin (web server will look for the store password ina database that dos not delete by googledork)

20.inurl: search / admin.php (will look for php web page for adminlogin). If you are lucky, you will find admin configuration page to create anew user.

21. inurl: password.log filetype:log (this keyword is to search for logfiles in a specific url)

22. filetype: reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER username (this keyword used to lookfor reg files (registyry) to the path HCU (Hkey_Current_User))

In fact, there are many more commands that google can crawl in use in thepassword. One who has the ability google reveals in this case ishttp://johnny.ihackstuff.com. For that, visit the web to add insight about thegoogle ability.

Here, some of the other syntax google that we need to look for confidentialdata :

"Http://username: password @ www ..." filetype: bak inurl:"htaccess | passwd | shadow | ht users"
(this command is to take the user names and passwords for backup files)

filetype:mdb inurl:”account|users|admin|administrators|passwd|password” mdbfiles (this command is to take the password information)

filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd (searching admin password with ws_ftp.ini file)

intitle: "Index of" pwd.db (searching the encrypted usernamesand passwords)

inurl:admin inurl:backup intitle:index.of (searching directories whosenames contain the words admin and backup)

“Index of/” “Parent Directory” “WS _ FTP.ini” filetype:ini WS _ FTP PWD(WS_FTP configuration files is to take FTP server access passwords)

ext:pwd inurl:(service|authors|administrators|users) “# -FrontPage-”(there is Microsoft FrontPage passwords)

filetype: sql ( "passwd values ****" |" password values****" | "pass values ****") searching a SQL code andpasswords stored in the database)

intitle:index.of trillian.ini (configuration files for the Trillian IM)

eggdrop filetype:user (user configuration files for the Eggdrop ircbot)

filetype:conf slapd.conf (configuration files for OpenLDAP)

inurl:”wvdial.conf” intext:”password” (configuration files for WV Dial)

ext:ini eudora.ini (configuration files for the Eudora mail client)

filetype: mdb inurl: users.mdb (potentially to take user accountinformation with Microsoft Access files)

intext:”powered by Web Wiz Journal” (websites using Web Wiz Journal,which in its standard configuration allows access to the passwords file – justenter http:///journal/journal.mdb instead of the default http:///journal/)

“Powered by DUclassified” -site:duware.com "Powered byDUclassified"-site: duware.com
“Powered by DUcalendar” -site:duware.com "Powered byDUcalendar"-site: duware.com
“Powered by DUdirectory” -site:duware.com "Powered byDUdirectory"-site: duware.com
“Powered by DUclassmate” -site:duware.com "Powered byDUclassmate"-site: duware.com
“Powered by DUdownload” -site:duware.com "Powered byDUdownload"-site: duware.com
“Powered by DUpaypal” -site:duware.com "Powered by DUpaypal"-site:duware.com
“Powered by DUforum” -site:duware.com "Powered by DUforum"-site:duware.com

intitle:dupics inurl:(add.asp | default.asp |view.asp | voting.asp)-site:duware.com (websites that use DUclassified, DUcalendar, DUdirectory,DUclassmate, DUdownload, DUpaypal, DUforum or DUpics applications, by defaultallows us to retrieve passwords file)

To DUclassified, just visit http:///duClassified/ _private / duclassified.mdb
or http:///duClassified/ or http:///duClassified/

intext: "BiTBOARD v2.0" "BiTSHiFTERS Bulletin Board"(Bitboard2 use the website bulletin board, the default settings make itpossible to retrieve the passwords files to be obtained with the wayshttp:///forum/admin/data _ passwd.dat
or http:///forum/forum.php) or http:///forum/forum.php)

Searching for specific documents :

filetype: xls inurl: "email.xls" (potentially to take theinformation contact)

“phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail” intitle:”curriculum vitae”
CVs "not for distribution"
(confidential documents containing theconfidential clause

AIM contacts list AIM contacts list

intitle:index.of mystuff.xml intitle: index.of mystuff.xml

Trillian IM contacts list Trillian IM contacts list

filetype:ctt “msn” filetype: Note "msn"

MSN contacts list MSN contacts list

(QDF database files for the Quicken financial application)

intitle: index.of finances.xls (finances.xls files, potentially to takeinformation on bank accounts, financial Summaries and credit card numbers)

intitle: "Index Of"-inurl: maillog (potentially to retrievee-mail account)

Learn how to install Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) is an important update that includes previously released security, performance, and stability updates for Windows XP.
How to get SP3
The recommended (and easiest) way to get SP3 is to turn on Automatic Updates. For more information, see Set up Automatic Updates at the Windows website.
Automatic Updates can automatically download SP3 when it's available for your computer. You just need a few clicks to begin the installation and the rest of the process is automatic. If Automatic Updates isn't turned on, you can install SP3 by using WindowsUpdate at the Windows website.
In order to install SP3, you must first have Windows XP Service Pack 1a (SP1a) or Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed. These are also available when you have Automatic Updates turned on. For more information about these and other Windows service packs, go to the Service Pack Center.

How to fix a computer that won't start

A computer that won't start is frustrating, but the problem is often easy to fix. The steps you take to troubleshoot the problem depend on your symptoms. Click the statement that best describes your problem to find a possible solution:
After you click your user account or type your password, immediately press the Shift key and hold it until your desktop and taskbar are visible. Holding down the Shift key stops programs from loading automatically, and it is probably one of these programs that is causing your problem. Once you are able to log on successfully, you can change the programs that run automatically and remove the program that is causing the problem.
Sometimes Windows begins to load but then stops responding during the startup process. In most cases, the problem is a new piece of hardware, a new program, or a corrupted system file. Follow the instructions below to troubleshoot the problem. Try to start your computer after each step. Continue to the next step only if Windowscontinues to fail during startup.

Set up Windows XP for multiple languages

With Windows XP, you can set up multiple languages, and then switch between them with just two mouse clicks. If your computer is used in a multilingual household, you can configure each user account with a different language.
To add languages
1.       Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2.       Click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options.
3.       Click Add other languages.
4.       In the Regional and Language Options dialog box, on the Languages tab, clickDetails.
5.       In the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, on the Settings tab, clickAdd.

How to increase browsing speed: 7 ways to work faster on slow connections

Ever wonder how to make your Internet connection faster or how to increase browsing speed? If you are trying to get things done, there is nothing like a slow connection to thwart your best efforts. But there are things you can do to browse faster—even when your Internet connection is working slowly.
This article will show you how to increase your productivity when your connection is slow. Many of these steps are also good tips for how to increase the speed of browsing and of sending and receiving email.
1. Send multiple files faster by compressing them
If you're sending multiple files—for example, several files related to a single project—you can reduce their combined size by using a compression utility. Compressing your files can dramatically reduce the time needed to send files online, and compressed files don't take up as much space in your (or the recipient's) email Inbox. WinZip is one of the more common compression tools.

Move files and settings to a new computer running Windows XP

You can use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard to copy everything from your old computer to your new computer, either using a network or cable, or by using an external drive.
Transfer files and settings across a network or cable
If you bought a new computer and can run it at the same time as your old computer, you can use a home network or a cable to transfer your files and settings. To use a home network, connect both your old and your new computers to the network at the same time. If you can't connect both computers to your home network, connect a null modem serial cable (available at most electronics stores) to the serial ports on both computers. The process should take about an hour.